ifiwereaboy歌词写的什么意思(if i were a boy歌词)

时间:2023-09-16 17:30:14 来源:
导读 您好,现在蔡蔡来为大家解答以上的问题。ifiwereaboy歌词写的什么意思,if i were a boy歌词相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看...

您好,现在蔡蔡来为大家解答以上的问题。ifiwereaboy歌词写的什么意思,if i were a boy歌词相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、歌名:If I Were A Boy歌手:Beyonce作词:BC·简,托比·盖德作曲:BC·简,托比·盖德If I were a boy如果我是一个男孩Even just for a day哪怕期限只有一天I’d roll out of bed in the morning我会在清晨翻下床And throw on what I wanted and go套上一件舒心的衣服就出门Drink beer with the guys和哥们儿花天酒地And chase after girls在街上泡着心仪的美女I’d kick it with who I wanted喜新厌旧,不顾后果And I’d never get confronted for it随心所欲,无所顾忌Because they’d stick up for me因为我的兄弟们帮我会处理好一切If I were a boy假如我是个男孩I think I could understand我想我会渐渐明白how it feels to love a girl如何去爱一个女孩I swear I’d be a better man我发誓我会成为一个更好的男人I’d listen to her我会聆听她的一切cause I know how it hurts因为我明白孤独一人那有多痛苦when you loose the one you wanted当如果你你所爱之人cause he’s taken you for granted他对你冷若冰霜,把你给予的一切当作理所当然and everything you had got destroyed!于是你的一切都被看作一文不值If I were a boy如果我是一个男孩I would turn off my phone我会关闭我的手机Tell everyone that its broken然后告诉所有人它坏掉了so they think that I was sleeping alone这样他们就会以为我总是独自入睡I’d put myself first我会永远把自己放在第一位and make the rules as I go世界仿佛是为我而生cause I know that she’ll be faithful因为我知道妻子会对我很忠诚waiting for me to come home ( to come home)每天都会耐心地为我等候If I were a boy假如我是个男孩I think I could understand我会试着去感受how it feels to love a girl爱上一个女孩是多么美妙I swear I’d be a better man但我发誓我会对她倾注我所有的爱I’d listen to her我会时刻关注她cause I know how it hurts因为我知道冷落是对一个人最残忍的惩罚when you loose the one you wanted当如果你你所爱之人cause he’s taken you for granted他对你冷若冰霜,把你给予的一切当作理所当然and everything you had got destroyed!于是你的一切都被看作一文不值It’s a little too late for you to come back现在一切都似乎晚了Say its just a mistake你解释说这只是一个误会Think I forgive you like that认为我还会想以前那般原谅你If you thought I would wait for you如果你觉得我还是那个当年为你停留的傻女孩You thought wrong那你就大错特错了But your just a boy但你只是一个平凡的男孩You don’t understand (and you don’t understand)你永远不会明白,不会懂得How it feels to love a girl爱上一个女孩所要付出的代价Someday you’ll wish you were a better man曾经你不懂得如何去爱一个人You don’t listen to her你把她打入冷宫You don’t care how it hurts你永远不会理解她被冷落的伤痛Until you lose the one you wanted直到你失去了你的爱人Cause you taken her for granted你仍然以为这是理所应当And everything that you had got destroyed那么你曾经拥有的一切将不复存在But your just a boy…但你还是一个什么也不懂的男孩扩展资料:《If I Were a Boy》是美国女歌手碧昂丝·吉赛尔·诺斯演唱的一首“成人时代”歌曲,歌词、曲谱由BC·简和托比·盖德填写。

2、该歌曲作为推广专辑的首支单曲,于2008年10月12日通过索尼音乐娱乐公司发行 ,后被收录在碧昂丝·吉赛尔·诺斯的第三张录音室专辑《I Am...Sasha Fierce》。

3、《If I Were a Boy》该歌曲于2008至2009年期间分别拿下澳洲、英国、丹麦、意大利等国家的音乐排行榜冠军,并于2008年12月8日拿下美国公告牌百强单曲榜季军之位。


